
Meet The Founder
I am the epitome of Founder / Market Fit. I’m a black woman, who in the past has struggled with finding quality products that fitted my needs. I remember what it was like to spend hundreds of dollars on products, only to have them sitting in my cabinets because they didn’t work. I’ve worked at one of the biggest Beauty Supply Stores in the US, Sally’s Beauty. I’ve read books like The Science of Black Hair, and Curly Girl Handbook to educate myself on all the aspects of healthy hair. I have developed key relationships with major manufacturers that service the black consumer, but most importantly I have lived it! I am part of the $54 million dollar consumer spend.

BPolished Beauty Supply primary customers are African-American however we will meet the needs of all residents in the community by diversifying our product mix. BPolished Beauty Supply will focus on creating a one-stop, full service shopping experience for the consumer market in Dallas / Ft. Worth Metroplex with products and equipment from various lines; available as maintenance products for consumer sales to men, women and children.